A System application are application that are come with the rom of your phone, system apps are different from apps on internal memory.
The system app are not easily uninstallable and can be found on system/app directory, example of application on system app are your phone dialer, sms, contact, setting, gallery, etc. So, am about to show you 2 ways to move the user app "app on internal or sdcard" to system app.
WHY DO I NEED TO MAKE APP SYSTEM APP? it's not compulsory but it's advisable to move an anti theft application and all your xposed framework application to system app. Anti theft will not be easily uninstallable when on system app and xposed on system app will give better permission for them.
You can move an application to system app through a single application called system app mover or use any file manager that can access root file.
File manager: copy the file off the application you want to move to SD card eg Facebook.apk for Facebook and copy it to system/app. After pasting it, press menu and change the permission as seen on the picture below, then save it and you are good to go.
Now goto your apps and try Uninstaller the application, you will see that's is impossible again.